Friday, 2 October 2015

I'm Learning to Sew!

I have always wanted a sewing machine.  I've had one of those small ones.  The problem was that the machine always seemed to have its own agenda.  I would switch it on, attempt to thread it, then it would - in its own way - say "Today, we are going to do free-form."  Now, I didn't want to do free-form anything.  I wanted to sew a straight line.  I gave up, and sent the machine to a happy little community where it could do as it pleased (aka, the tip).  Whenever I saw a machine my husband would say, "Why not get one?"  I thought, after countless attempts to sew a straight line, that I would never be able to sew.  To me, it would be a complete waste of money.  

This past May, our 21st anniversary came.  And my husband surprised me with a sewing machine! Of course, I was very cautious.  In my experience, sewing machines did what they wanted and I was just along for the ride.  But, I took a deep breath and turned it on, and this time, to my delight, the machine - in its own way - said "What would you like me to do for you?"  At last, I could sew a straight line.  Within a month, I had made myself a dress!  No pics, sorry, I look hideous in photos.

So, last month, feeling very proud of myself, I posted to facebook that I'd made some lavender sachets.

Within minutes of posting this picture, I got a message.  "Aunty Zee, could you make me some cushion covers?"  That Girl can wrap me round her little finger at times.  So, after rummaging around on Pinterest, I found a tutorial here (check it out, you won't be disappointed) that was really easy to follow.  Here is what I came up with.

I chose to use plain fabric but added some lace flowers that I found on ebay.  I know I'm pleased with how they turned out.  I'm sure the Girl will be pleased too.  So there it is, and if I can do it...